Minimum Wages Rates: Minimum wages rates have been revised by the Government of the national capital territory (NCT) of Delhi. The minimum wages rates fall under the 1948 act of minimum wages in the NCT of Delhi. It has been stipulated in the above-mentioned notification that the dearness allowance is going to be payable based on the six-monthly average index numbers from Jan to Jun and again from July to Dec respectively on 1st April and October.
- After including D.A. rates
- Order by the Labour Department of the Government of NCT of Delhi dated 18/06/2021
After Including D.A., Rates
Category | Rates as of April 1st, 2020 | D.A. w.e.f April 1st, 2021 | Rates from April 1st, 2021 | Rates per day as of 1st October 2020 | D.A w.e.f April 1st, 2021 | Rates April 1st, 2021 onwards | Rates April 1st, 2021 onwards |
Rupees | Rupees | Each month | Each day | Rupees | Each month | Each day | |
Un-Skilled personnel | 14842 | 650 | 15492 | 596 | 416 | 15908 | 612 |
Semi-skilled personnel | 16341 | 728 | 17069 | 657 | 468 | 17537 | 675
Skilled personnel | 17991 | 806 | 18797 | 723 | 494 | 19291 | 742
Non-Matriculates personnel | 16341 | 728 | 17069 | 657 | 468 | 17537 | 675
Matriculate but not Graduate personnel | 17991 | 806 | 18797 | 723 | 494 | 19291 | 742
Graduate and Above personnel | 19572 | 858 | 20430 | 786 | 546 | 20976 | 807 |
Order by Labour Department of the Government of NCT of Delhi dated 18/06/2021
The minimum rates of wages had been revised by the Government of the national capital territory of Delhi, included in the Scheduled employments under the 1948 minimum wages act. On the other hand, in the notification mentioned above, it had been stipulated that the payable Dearness Allowance is based on the six-monthly average index numbers from Jan to Jun and July to Dec respectively on the 1st April and October.
Now the NCT Government of Delhi on adjustment of the average All India Consumer Price Index Number of the period between July 2020 to December 2020 that is 340.95 an increase of 11.79 points, therefore, declaring the following DA that shall be payable by each category on 01.04.2021.
Therefore, the lowest rates of wages showing the introductory rates and Variable Dearness Allowance payable w.e.f 01.04.2021 shall be as under: –
Basic Wages (Rs.) | V.D.A (Rs.) | ||
A | 523Â Â Â Â + | 122Â Â Â Â = | 645 |
B | 437Â Â Â Â + | 102Â Â Â Â = | 539 |
C | 350Â Â Â Â + | 81Â Â Â Â Â = | 431 |
The VDA is rounded off to the next higher amount of rupee according to the decisions of the Advisory Board of Minimum Wages.
In the following table, the minimum wages rates that have been revised shall be applicable with respect to unskilled, skilled and semiskilled categories in all the scheduled categories.
Category | Rates from the April 1st, 2020 | D.A. (pm) w.e.f April 1st, 2021 | Rates as of April 1st, 2021 in Rupees | Rates as of April 1st, 2021 in Rupees |
Rupees | Rupees | Each-month | Each-day | |
Un-skilled | 15,492/- | 416/- | 15,908/- | 612/‑ |
Semi-Skilled | 17,069/- | 468/- | 17,537/- | 675/‑ |
Skilled | 18,797/- | 494/- | 19,291/- | 742/- |
The following rates are of the lowest wages must be applicable in the respect of the Clerical and Supervisory Staffs in all of the Scheduled employments: –
Category | Rates as of 01/10/2020 | D.A. (pm) w.e.f 01/04/2021 | Rates from (Rupees) 01/04/2021 | Rates from (Rupees) 01/04/2021 |
Rupees | Rupees | Each-month | Each-Day | |
Non matriculates | 17,069/- | 468/- | 17,537/- | 675/- |
Matriculates but not graduate | 18,797/- | 494/- | 19,291/- | 742/- |
Graduate and above | 20,430/- | 546/- | 20,976/- | 807/- |
(S.C. Yadav)
Add. Labour Commissioner
Copy forwarded to the: –
- Secretary to the Government of India, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Ministry of Labour, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.
- Secretary to the Honourable Lt. Governor, Government of NCT of Delhi.
- Secretary to the Honourable Chief Minister, Delhi Government.
- Secretary to the honourable Speaker, Delhi Vidhan Sabha Delhi.
- Secretary to Honourable Dy. Chief Minister, Government of Delhi.
- Secretary to Honourable Minister of Health, Industries, Gurudwara, Irrigation and Food Control, Public Works Department and Power Department, Government of Delhi.
- Secretary to Honourable Minister of Tourism, Art and Culture, Government of Delhi.
- Secretary to Honourable Minister of Food and Supply, Environment and Forest and Election, Government of Delhi.
- Secretary to Honourable Minister of women and Child, Social Welfare, Language and S.C. & S.T. Department, Government of Delhi.
- Chief Labour Commissioner ©, Rafi Marg, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi
- Labour Secretary of Punjab, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and U.T. Chandigarh.
- General Secretary of the Delhi State, BMS, INTUC, CITU, AITUC, H.M.S