CA Inter Advanced Accounting Study Material PDF Download: Ace up your CA Intermediate Advanced Accounting exam preparation by taking help from various study resources like study materials, best books, model papers, important questions and answers, and many more. If you are worried about knowing where these exam resources can avail then don’t be. As we have come up with an effective guide called CA Inter Advanced Accounts Study Material pdf. Want to why is it important and what it covers? Dive in.
- CA Inter Advanced Accounting Study Material
- Advanced Accounting CA Inter Weightage
- CA Intermediate Advanced Accounting Syllabus
- How To Download CA Inter Advanced Accounting Study Material From ICAI.Org?
- Is icai study material enough for ca intermediate advanced accounting?
- How to study accounting standards for ca inter 2023?
- What is the Exam Pattern of CA Inter Paper 5?
Advanced Accounts CA Inter Study Material – CA Inter Advanced Accounting Study Material Notes Pdf
The Chartered Accountancy intermediate course has different papers in the curriculum and CA Inter Advanced accounting is one among all. To learn all the core topics covered under advanced accounts, you would definitely need liable and comprehensively explained notes. ICAI CA Inter study material pdf for advanced accounting provided on the official website of ICAI i.e., is the best solution.
CA Intermediate Advanced Accounts Study Material Notes Pdf links for all chapters are given here. Tap on the respective and needed link and view the important questions and answers from that particular subject or unit for learning. If you want this advanced accounting ca intermediate study material handwritten notes in pdf or printed form then download it on your device and take a printout so easily.
CA Intermediate Advanced Accounting Study Material Notes
- Accounting for Employee Stock Option Plans
- Buyback of Securities and Equity Shares with Differential Rights
- Amalgamation of Companies
- Internal Reconstruction
- Liquidation of Companies
- Banking Companies
- Non-Banking Financial Companies
- Consolidated Financial Statements
- Accounting Standards
- Partnership Accounts
- CA Inter Advanced Accounts Paper May 2019
- CA Inter Advanced Accounts Paper Nov 2019
- CA Inter Advanced Accounts Paper Nov 2020
Advanced Accounting CA Inter Weightage
It’s very crucial and beneficial for students to get aware of the weightage for each and every chapter of ca inter advanced accounting paper. Due to the weightage details, candidates can plan their study timetable so easily and start their preparation accordingly. So, don’t miss to refer to the chapterwise weightage for CA Inter Advanced Accounts 2023 Exam.
Advanced Accounts CA Inter Chapter Wise Weightage
CA Intermediate Advanced Accounting Syllabus
Understanding the complete Syllabus of CA Inter Paper 5 Advanced Accounting helps students to learn and solve complex problems related to accounts faster. Also, it is vital to make a study plan and focus on all the chapters covered in the paper. So, make sure to use the CA intermediate advanced accounting latest syllabus 2023 and practice well with our other exam resources like MCQs and model test papers.
CA Inter Advanced Accounting Accounts Syllabus
(One paper — Three hours — 100 Marks)
1. To acquire the ability to apply specific Accounting Standards and legislations to different transactions and events and in preparation and presentation of financial statements of business entities;
2. To understand and apply financial reporting and regulatory requirements of Banking Companies and NBFCs.
1. Application of Accounting Standards:
AS 4: Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date
AS 5: Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items, and Changes in Accounting Policies
AS 7: Construction Contracts
AS 9: Revenue Recognition
AS 14: Accounting for Amalgamations
AS 17: Segment Reporting
AS 18: Related Party Disclosures
AS 19: Leases
AS 20: Earnings Per Share
AS 22: Accounting for Taxes on Income
AS 24: Discontinuing Operations
AS 26: Intangible Assets
AS 29: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets.
2. Special Aspects of Company Accounts
(i) Accounting for employee stock option plan; (ii) Buy back of securities; (iii) Equity shares with differential rights.
3. Reorganization and liquidation of Companies
(i) Accounting for amalgamation (excluding inter-company holding) and reconstruction; (ii) Accounting involved in liquidation of companies.
4. Banking Companies and Non-Banking Financial Companies and regulatory requirements thereof.
5. Consolidated Financial Statements
Concept of consolidation and simple problems on Consolidated Financial Statements with single subsidiary (excluding problems involving acquisition of Interest in Subsidiary at Different Dates; Different Reporting Dates of Holding and Subsidiary; Disposal of a Subsidiary and Foreign Subsidiaries).
6. Dissolution of partnership firms including piecemeal distribution of assets; Amalgamation of partnership firms; Conversion of partnership firm into a company and Sale to a company; Issues related to accounting in Limited Liability Partnership.
1. If either new Accounting Standards (ASS), Announcements and Limited Revisions to ASS are issued or the earlier ones are withdrawn or new ASS, Announcements and Limited Revisions to AS are issued in place of existing ASS, Announcements and Limited Revisions to AS, the syllabus will accordingly include / exclude such new developments in the place of the existing ones with effect from the date to be notified.
2. The specific exclusions, in any topic covered in the syllabus, will be effected, if any, by way of Study Guidelines.
How To Download CA Inter Advanced Accounting Study Material From ICAI.Org?
The steps to be followed for downloading the study material of ca inter advanced accounting from the official portal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) are outlined below:
- Initially, enter the official website of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India by clicking here:
- Navigate for the CA Intermediate Paper 5: Advanced Accounting page or else click on the available link:
- Now, you will see the different exam resources for CA Inter Advanced Accounting like Study Material, Revision Test Papers, Suggested Answers, Mock Test Papers, Question Papers, and Referencer for Quick Revision.
- Click on the study material link and then tap on the Study Material applicable for May 2022 examination onwards link.
- Under this, you will find the chapters and sub-units of advanced accounting.
- Press the link and download CA Inter Advanced Accounting Study Notes PDF free of charge.
FAQs on PDF formatted CA Intermediate Handwritten Notes for Advanced Accounting Paper 5
1. Is icai study material enough for ca intermediate advanced accounting?
Yes, ICAI Study material for ca intermediate advanced accounting paper 5 is sufficient to score great scores as it includes every core concept explanation in a simple manner along with practice questions and answers.
2. How to study accounting standards for ca inter 2023?
The following points will help CA intermediate course aspirants to study advanced accounting so confidently and easily:
- Start knowing the latest syllabus of the AA paper.
- Create a new study plan.
- Highlight the important points and also note down them separately. It works as a revision note.
- Concentrate on the chapter that has the highest weightage.
3. What is the Exam Pattern of CA Inter Paper 5?
The exam structure of CA Intermediate Paper 5 Advanced Accounting is a 30:70 assessment pattern means 30 marks for MCQ-based questions and 70 marks will be subjective questions.
Key Takeaways
We think that the given stuff related to paper 5 of the CA inter-program ie., CA Inter Advanced Accounting Study Material PDF helped you all with your exam preparation. For more assistance and guidance at tough times do reach us by commenting below.
Our team will work on your query and update you soon with the best solution for CA courses. If you feel this CA Inter Advanced Accounts Study Material is worthy then share it with your CA friends and help them in their test preparation.